Expo Milano 2015: A travel between culture, identity and feeding the planet.

Expo Milano 2015 was a mind blowing event that I was most fortunate to attend earlier this year in Milan, Italy. From May 1st to October 31st 2015, Milan was host to a global showcase of over 140 participating countries exhibiting the best of their technology in food sustainability.

Spanning 1.1 million square meters of exhibition area, the expo is a platform for the exchange of ideas and shared solutions on the theme of food, stimulating each country’s creativity and promoting innovation for a sustainable future.

Each country had designed and constructed a pavilion that can only be described as overwhelmingly awe-inspiring! Each structure made the perfect backdrop to display a wealth of innovative ideas on how to provide enough healthy and safe food for everyone in the future, while respecting our Planet and its equilibrium. 

The Expo 2015 is visited by hundreds of thousands of people who wish to sample the world’s best dishes and learn about the best of the agri-food and gastronomic traditions of each of the exhibitor countries. I personally couldn't get enough of the Dutch seaweed burger! I would have to say my least favourite was the farmed grass-hopper. Although they are one of the best sources of protein available!

My only disappointment was that Australia did not participate in this amazing Expo. Canada was also absent. Nevertheless It was a privilege to see almost every citizen of our planet come together to nurture a universal friendship, and to have the opportunity to experience other cultures, distant places and far way countries.

(Click on the links below each image to find out more about these amazing pavilions).

Enormous figures, “The Food People” (2015), by production designer Dante Ferretti

The Italian Pavilion! Designed by Studio Nemesi & Partners
Israel Pavilion designed by David Knafo

Slovakia Pavilion designed by Karol Kállay
Slovakia Pavilion designed by Karol Kállay
Czech Republic Pavilion designed by Chybik & Kristof Architects

Ecuador Pavilion designed by Zorrozua & Associates
Japanese Pavilion designed by Atsushi Kitagawara 
Russian Pavilion designed by Sergei Tchoban
                The UK Pavillion designed by Wolfgang Buttress
Baci Lovers Chocolate Pavilion
Inside Belgium's Pavilion designed by Patrick Genard

The Tree of Life designed by Alberto Dell Vita

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