A Deep Underwater Love of Life, Art, Innovation and Wheelchair Ballet.

Following on from Sarah Woods '5 online resources for positive thinking in 2013', I would like to share a story of strength, courage and artistic adventure, that inspires me immensely and will no doubt inspire you to a great deal too.

Please allow me to introduce you to one incredible lady -

Sue is a multimedia, performance and installation artist. She has used (what she  affectionately calls) a 'power' chair since 1996, but rather than allowing her circumstances to inhibit her art, it has become the driving force which fuels her ambition. 

Sue Austin is working to redefine the popular notion of disability with an invention that challenges preconceptions about the wheelchair. Not just the way it is viewed but also the way that it's used.

Along with the support of diving experts, Sue has created the world's first self-propelled wheelchair, equipped with clear fins that allow her to fly underwater.

With complete control, she gracefully hovers through the deep ocean, mingling with fish and gliding past coral reefs. 
"I can loop-the-loop. I can do amazing spirals. I can even fly along upside down"

As part of the Cultural Olympiad celebrations 2012, Sue performed a ground breaking series of stunning underwater acrobatics called 'Creating the Spectacle' to show off her under water art.  

 View Sue's inspirational story on TED 

Sue is also the founder and artistic director of Freewheeling, an initiative aiming to further the genre of Disability Arts.

In her art, she aims to convey the spirit of wonder she feels wheeling through the world

“The wheelchair became an object to paint and play with, it was exciting to see the interested and surprised responses from people. It seemed to open up new perspectives.”

Sue says “I call my wheelchair ‘portal’, because it’s pushed me through into a new level of awareness. For me it’s about finding creative solutions to barriers. I’ve become a completely different person.”  

Live * Love * Laugh 
Explore * Master * Defy

Design will save the world!
It is predicted we are entering a period of enlightenment, Sue is living proof we’re on the threshold of a new era that is literally being breathed and dreamed into existence.

With women like Ms. Austin in the world, perhaps we just might be!
Can you feel the incredible possibilities for a new world – and in your own life?

Images courtesy of TED, References: TED Blog, Redbull, Mashable & Daily Mail U.K .


  1. This is such an inspiration! I love the article and the images are truly remarkable.

  2. Thank you Lorena. She is one truly remarkable lady! :)


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