Out of my reach!

Have you ever come across something on the internet you would really, really 
like to get your paws on, only to find that it was an image loaded up by a user with 
no link? I found these must have shoes on pinterest  and have no idea where to get
them, quite lovely aren't they? Have a great weekend! 


  1. hey cool shoes :) Thanks for following! How is Brisbane? I am asking coz my hubby and I wil move soon to Brisbane? Is it easy to find a job( I'm in the fashion industry)
    Thanks again - you have a lovely blog!

  2. hi there, just came across your blog and I can help! The shoes are Chie Mihara's and I've got a quiet obsession with them... They have an online shop: chiemihara.com and selected shops in Australia sell them also. (I've posted quite a few of their styles on my pinterest account too! http://pinterest.com/missholland/shoes/) Just so you know...once you start wearing them, you'll beaddicted, they are sooo comfortable! :)

  3. Oh, Thank you Michelle! I was hoping someone might know how I can get my paws on them!

    Have a great day,

    Sar x


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