where are we going?

Virtual Vacation (aka- pretend blog vacation)
The last Virtual Vacation destination at the Maya Ubud, Bali relaxed and
rejuvenated you, but our next trip is going to get the adrenaline pumping
through your veins! So which of the following three are you up for 1,2 or 3?

Leave your choice in the comments below, and the one with the most votes 
will be our next destination for next week. Surf, Dive or Mountain Bike?


  1. Diving Cayman sounds fantastic - Have fun, gosh what a life! ;-)

  2. Surfing Java - that way my husband will definitely come with me - he can surf - I'll relax by the pool!
    Melissah from Coastal Style


I would love to hear what you think....so leave your
juicy comment here!